Hello everyone!
I’ve started using UE4 since yesterday, coming from more basic languages such as PHP and a lot of GameMaker.
I’m trying to set up IK for my player for VR support. I’m following a tutorial on youtube which uses the thirdperson example. (- YouTube)
I am not using this example, I’ve started with a clean project. I am however using the same skeletal mesh / animation setup. I got most of the stuff set up, but could not get the Character in the Animation BP, so I tried it the other way around. I’m getting pretty much the same errors here.
The error I’m getting in my B_Player blueprint:
Error This blueprint (self) is not a CharacterAnimBP_C, therefore ’ Target ’ must have a connection.
(twice, one for left and one for right).
This is what my blueprint looks like;
I’ve tried it from the CharacterAnimBP as well, but I’m getting similar errors there:
Error This blueprint (self) is not a B_Player_C, therefore ’ Target ’ must have a connection.
I thought maybe the latter (my first try) might not work, because the animation blueprint doesn’t know anything about the player blueprint.
I figured, as the animation blueprint is a member of the B_Player (because the mesh is in there), I should be able to access it from there.
I’m wondering where I went wrong.
Kind regards,