Setting variable by reference not working

I have an actor that is placed in my level. I am needing the client to be able to increment the actor’s variable when it is clicked on, but am having a bit of trouble. Since the actor has no real owner, I cannot use ‘Run on Server’ events to increment the variable from the server, so I am trying to call an event that runs on server in my character blueprint. Here is the event, and a warning I am getting:

This also does not work for either the server or the client, and the variable that is meant to be replicated remains unchanged.

Here is how I am using the event:

Any ideas why the variable won’t increment?

what is the problem about run on server of actor which dosnt have owner?:confused:

Normal actors cannot use ‘Run on Server’, as there are no owning clients. This can only be used my characters. I need my client to be able to modify the replicated variable, and this method isn’t working ;(

Oh, you want the client replica of actor be initiator for run on server event for an actor which does not have an owner.
Have no idea why your setup dosnt work.
seams like this is a part of another bug, which i thogh is only visual. Btw if you turn it into array, it become a “note”

Ok, well what would you suggest for my client to be able to change replicated variables by clicking on the actor?

“Set owner” ?)

As i understand, you have an object, which on click by player controller should change some stat inside on server, so other people can see it.

I can only call set owner on server, and that would be more of a hacky work-around in my opinion.

working setup: and

text updates on both, server and client. For some reason even work if game run on dedicated server. Tested only PIE.

Thank-you for providing an example, I don’t know why I didn’t just pass a reference to my actor and set the variable from there, slow brain today I suppose.