Hello there!
I’m trying to use the local parameters within a custom Niagara module. Basically, I want to burst n particles and have each particles position based the position of the particle previous so that the first is at 0,0,0 and the next is say 0,0,10 then 0,0,20. (I know there are easier ways to make a line of particles but I’m just trying to get the logic right for more complex math).
Currently, I’m taking a local vector, adding 10 to the z position and updating the particle.position as well as my local vector. I’m assuming that the next particle will read that value (0,0,10) and add 10 more to it but appears to spawn all particles at (0,0,10)
My local vector had “default mode” set to “value” which I believe should fall back to a default (0,0,0 in my case) then update once set. I understand that this value doesn’t persist frame-to-frame but I had guessed it would from particle-to-particle within a given frame.
The attached image should have all the info necessary… has anyone messed with local params in a module and know how I can achieve this effect?
Thanks for reading.