Setting up Unreal Engine 5.2 for Android packaging on Mac

Is out there a kind person than can help us (during last week I found we are a lot) to set up proper and effectively UE 5.2 (on MAC) to package a game for Android. I’m trying to solve problems for a eek. I’ve tried almost every tutorial I could find and the problems always persist, mostly:

“UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. Exited with code: 1
PackagingResults: Error: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. Exited with code: 1
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error”
But code 6 was frequent too.

I’m having the same problem. Could you find a answer yet?

No. Still waiting for a generous expert.

Hello guys!! I don’t know if you are still looking for a solution? But I happened to stumble upon this thread when trying to fix this on my Mac.

I had only used 5.1 for android packaging, but as things changed for 5.2 I ended up trying to understand how to do it, I stumbled upon another post mentioning that for 5.2 I needed to have then I set my NDK folder location with version 25.1.893… (see image) which prompted me with a jdk error so I set the jdk folder manually /Library/java/java/jdk(version)/home and every since I’ve done this I’ve been able to package my game for android.

Hello, I’ve been looking for somebody with experience when it comes to packaging my project to the Google Play Store and it appears you could help me. What exactly do I need to download? Do I need Codeworks or Visual Studios, Android Studios, etc. I am using UE 5.2 btw.

Looks like a few hours later I have solved my own problem. All I needed to do was download visual studios 22, android studios 4.0, and Java 8u301. Another important step was to make sure I was using the proper ndk which for me was 25.1(…)