setting up UMG roundTimer

I’m looking to setup a round timer through UMG, I’m still learning UMG/Blueprints but what I think I should be doing is setting up a editable text and attaching a binding to it where I can define some sort of timer (example 2:00 counting down to 0:00) and have it display on the hud, counting down, second to second. Am I going about this wrong? I can’t seem to find any tutorials to help me out, any help is appreciated, thanks!

Can’t seem to figure this out. Trying to display a timer with UMG should be easier but I’m new.

I found some documentation on Timers from unreal:

I’m not sure how I could set a timer to the HUD through UMG, though.

So I’ve tried multiple ways through the level blueprint with all sorts of timers but can’t get a good system going, the most simple system that I’ve worked out i went straight to UMG to test.

Its behavior is attached to the editable text box (the grey 0:00 in the HUD) I assume because its set to "display the string whenever UMGeditablebox is enabled, every second is why its updated so frequently (based of SS its a lot!) I’m not sure where to go from here. The end goal here is to replace the “0:00” in the editable text box with the game time, updated every 1 second, and do it counting down, but for now establishing it every 1 second counting up is a big leap.


Hey, So I had a play around with this tonight attempting to make a designer friendly timer that counts down.

The blueprint is really messy at the moment and I plan on clearing it up into functions itself but this is what it looks like for now if you wish to give this a go before I get a chance to clear it up.

  • numberToTimes default value should be set to 1.
  • timer is the reference to the text box in the designer of the UMG.
  • levelTime is the variable you should change to set the level time, 2 = 2 minutes.

Make sure ‘isVariable’ is ticked on the text box.

Link to a GIF of the timer working and how it looks and reads -