Hello, once again!
As the title of topic implies, I was hoping I could get some help with a number of issues with setting up a camera for a sidescroller game.
I already have a camera blueprint set up, using a blueprint tutorial I found on YouTube intended for a making a camera for Metroidvania-style games. The blueprint establishes Camera Bound Boxes that you can place into your levels that places boundaries on where the camera will be able to go, and while I have no interest in making a Metroidvania game, the same camera setup should also applicable to a more conventional platformer a la Super Mario, Sonic, Kirby, etc., which is more to my particular interests. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and the new upcoming Kirby game for the Nintendo Switch are both examples of the particular setup I had in-mind.
I set up the blueprint as per the video’s instructions, but now I’m having problems in setting up the new Camera Boxes the way I want. For example, I don’t want the camera to move when the player character jumps while standing on the ground floor, but the camera continues to do so as the player character jumps in the air. Unfortunately, while I was able to put the blueprint together as per the video’s instructions, I don’t really have a good grasp on how exactly the various functions of the camera blueprint work. As a result of , I decided to come here in the hope that someone would be take a look at how particular blueprint works, so they can offer some insight into the Camera Box’s general functionality and I can properly set the camera in a way that will work for me or anyone else who wishes to use a similar setup.
Link to the blueprint tutorial series I used:
Link to a demonstration video of the how the blueprint works:
SideScrollerCamera blueprint:

Level blueprint:
The second issue is that after setting up the blueprint in my project, I’ve been getting the following error message that spawns endlessly in the Message Log:
Error Message:
Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerCharacter_ReturnValue from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_SideScrollerCamera_BP’ from node: SetWorldLocation in graph: EventGraph in object: SideScrollerCamera_BP with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerCharacter_ReturnValue
I don’t know what error message is referring to, but it doesn’t seem to be causing any noticeable problems with my project. However, just to be on the safe side, I thought it would be best to ask error, just in case in turns out to be not so benign.
The last question I have, is about how to go about setting up a Y-axis boundary limit within the Camera Bound Box. What I mean by an Y-axis boundary limit, is that it prevents the player from being to move beyond the limits of the camera’s box within the Y-axis, as demonstrated in quick MS Painting I made to illustrate my intent:
I hope that I’m not asking too much of anyone with the my request, and any input would be greatly appreciated.
**EDIT: **Photos have been re-uploaded to my post.