Setting up pausing/unpausing rpg game

Hey there,

I’m having trouble with creating a blueprint function for pause game much retaliated to this question.

I too am trying to create a pausing system where everything freezes and unfreezes once on paused.

I’ve structured the blueprints on where there should be one key that pauses your menu such as like the Esc key for example while to exit, you must press a different key to close your menu which I call either cancel or back button. I do plan to create other pages of pause menu and you must exit back to the main pause menu before you can exit the menu. I hope that’s understandable for people who have had game experiences already.

I’m well aware I had to Execute when Paused on the InputAction key that is connected to the blueprint function. I have structured a pause command along with connecting a event dispatcher to separate the keys require for the exit/cancel key.

I have a Widget Blueprint base for my user interface that bases the command keys for the Main Menu that serves as a child blueprint.


While I have structured the blueprints in the child Widget to un-pause the game with different key.

Just like in that related question, it does allow you to pause while freezing everything but doesn’t allow you to un-paused and unfreeze everything. I do not have the option to Execute when Paused on Custom Events like I could to the InputActions

Does anyone have a solution to this problem, has anyone done this kind of blueprints before, please?

Hi, this process is quite commonly overcomplicated by people.

There are blueprints which are designed to always tick, such as all widgets, player controller, game instance etc. It’s best to put your code in there. However, you can just set any blueprint to tick when paused, you don’t have to do it on an event level.

You can use the same key to pause and un-pause if you want. I have multi-layer menus in my game, but on one piece of BP is concerned with pause/un-pause. The rest is just widget code.

I thank you for some of your advice. But I do require to make a simular key reaction function like you find in an actual rpg game where one key opens the menu and a different to go back or cancel as well as later on open other User interfaces and must exit the same back or cancel button back to the main menu before you can exit. If you’ve played such similar games, I’m certain you could understand. I do desire different assigned keys.