Setting up my first project

I keep trying to start my first project after installing the software and plug-ins, but each time my project says it’s “initializing” and keeps getting stuck at 39 or 45 percent. How do I fix this so I can start teaching myself the software?

It could be ‘compiling shaders’. That, depending on the spec of your machine could take anything from 10 mins to a couple of hours.

If you want to be sure, open the task manager and then look at the processes under unreal editor. If you see about 4-8 shader workers, then you just have to wait…

The shortcut to the task manager is ctrl-shift-esc.

Fold open the bit under the editor process and look for ‘shader worker’.

Also if almost all CPU power is being used, it will be compiling shaders, even if you don’t get the above.

If nothing much is happening, there is a problem…

It didn’t say “compiling shaders”, but how do I get to the task manager. Also if I let my laptop go into rest mode will that make it take longer. That happened just now, so should I start a new project?

That’s not right. Have you tried verifying the engine?


It keeps saying Unreal is using either 17 or 26 percent ICU and bouncing back and forth. Meanwhile my project initializing is still stuck at 45%.