I’m going through this tutorial on how to create a First Person Shooter game, and I’m on the part where you create the actual Character to control.
For some reason, when I actually possess the Pawn on the screen, I can free roam as if I have now restraints whatsoever, even though in my Character code, there is no movement inputs. I think it has something to do with the “Default Pawn Class” setting in my GameMode, because the tutorial gives you a log message so you can see if both the GameMode and the Character are working fine. Whenever I start it, only the log message for the GameMode is shown.
Weirdly, if I actually place my Character Blueprint into the World, it will show the log message, but if I click “possess”, I still have free movement despite no movement input in the code.
If you guys need the code for the stuff, just ask, because I’m totally lost.