Setting Up GamePad Controls - Right Thumbstick Character Rotation?

I recently took the third person template and converted it into a top-down type project I’m working on, it has virtual joysticks ready to go for mobile game-play. I’m having an issue where the character will rotate and snap in a direction of 0-Y or 180-Y depending where the character is rotating. My goal is having the player save it’s rotation value after the user lets go of thumbstick and not snap into a direction. What would I need to do in order to get and set player rotation without it snapping?

I Have Tried The Following:

  • Searched on Google for help.
  • Searched on Unreal Engine Forums for help. [Including: Old & Outdated Topics]
  • Searched on Stack Exchange Forums for help.
  • Searched on Reddit Forums for help.
  • Searched on YouTube for help.
  • Set [Controller Thumbstick Settings X and Y Dead Zones to 0.25 or lower] (Input Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Use Controller Rotation Yaw] (Pawn Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Use Pawn Control Rotation] (Camera Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Inherit Pitch] (Camera Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Inherit Yaw] (Camera Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Inherit Roll] (Camera Settings)
  • Set [Rotation Rate Z between 360 and 9999] (Character Movement Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Use Desired Controller Rotation] (Character Movement Settings)
  • Set/Unset [Orient Rotation To Movement] (Character Movement Settings)
  • Changed [Blueprint to RInterp To] (Character Blueprint)
  • Changed [Blueprint to Set Actor Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
  • Changed [Blueprint to Set World Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
  • Changed [Blueprint to Set Control Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
  • Could add more to the list but you get the general idea.

The current setup can be seen below to help you visualize what is happening…

Gamepad Mapping: (Project Settings → Input)

Gamepad Settings: (Project Settings → Input)

Controller Rotation Settings: (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter (Self) → Pawn Settings)

Character Rotation Settings: (Character Movement → Rotation Settings)

Character Camera Settings: (SpringArm → Camera Settings)

Gampad Input Event: (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter → Event Graph)

Setup Final Results: (Preview/Play Game)

Was able to solve my problem by accessing input key and checking if input key is being pressed. The joystick resets to default position when the user is not using the joystick causing the character to snap into default rotation position of joystick.