I recently took the third person template and converted it into a top-down type project I’m working on, it has virtual joysticks ready to go for mobile game-play. I’m having an issue where the character will rotate and snap in a direction of 0-Y or 180-Y depending where the character is rotating. My goal is having the player save it’s rotation value after the user lets go of thumbstick and not snap into a direction. What would I need to do in order to get and set player rotation without it snapping?
I Have Tried The Following:
- Searched on Google for help.
- Searched on Unreal Engine Forums for help. [Including: Old & Outdated Topics]
- Searched on Stack Exchange Forums for help.
- Searched on Reddit Forums for help.
- Searched on YouTube for help.
- Set [Controller Thumbstick Settings X and Y Dead Zones to 0.25 or lower] (Input Settings)
- Set/Unset [Use Controller Rotation Yaw] (Pawn Settings)
- Set/Unset [Use Pawn Control Rotation] (Camera Settings)
- Set/Unset [Inherit Pitch] (Camera Settings)
- Set/Unset [Inherit Yaw] (Camera Settings)
- Set/Unset [Inherit Roll] (Camera Settings)
- Set [Rotation Rate Z between 360 and 9999] (Character Movement Settings)
- Set/Unset [Use Desired Controller Rotation] (Character Movement Settings)
- Set/Unset [Orient Rotation To Movement] (Character Movement Settings)
- Changed [Blueprint to RInterp To] (Character Blueprint)
- Changed [Blueprint to Set Actor Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
- Changed [Blueprint to Set World Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
- Changed [Blueprint to Set Control Rotation] (Character Blueprint)
- Could add more to the list but you get the general idea.
The current setup can be seen below to help you visualize what is happening…
Gamepad Mapping: (Project Settings → Input)
Gamepad Settings: (Project Settings → Input)
Controller Rotation Settings: (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter (Self) → Pawn Settings)
Character Rotation Settings: (Character Movement → Rotation Settings)
Character Camera Settings: (SpringArm → Camera Settings)
Gampad Input Event: (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter → Event Graph)
Setup Final Results: (Preview/Play Game)