Setting up a computer lab with Unreal Engine

I am trying to setup a computer lab with Epic games launcher along with Unreal Engine for a high school computer lab.

So far I am easily able to silently install the Epic games launcher using

msiexec /i EpicInstaller-15.7.0-unrealEngine.msi /qn

However the Epic games launcher tries to update on first run. I try and block this update per the Disabling Automatic Updates found in Academic Installation guide but this just stops the launcher for launching at all and stalls with a message about trying to update.

The instructions say that once I have run the Epic Games launcher and installed Unreal Engine that “you can mirror this machine’s setup to the rest of your class’s computers” as well as “Alternatively, you can save this machines image so that you can distribute it out to your lab’s computers.”

It is unclear to me in this context what “mirror” means. Am I simply able to copy and paste the install directory to other machines? The “save the image and distribute” reads like standard Windows imaging (SCCM/MDT/WDS/Ghost/FOG etc) but we don’t use any imaging deployment but rather use our MDM to deploy and manage applications.

While the Academic Installation guide says

Rather than mirroring the install machine or manually running the installer on the rest of the computers in the classroom, we automated part of the deployment process.

there doesn’t appear to be any actual automation and seems to entirely depend on Epic games and Unreal Engine being run on each machine.

If someone has a detailed guide or can point out something I have missed that would be great.

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