Hello, I have a timeline in my level blueprint which decides the sun position (time) this sets a float variable but obviously not in time format (i.e 10:00 will be 10.00101 etc). So I’ve turned that in to an integar so it is just 10,11,12 at the time that was all I needed (in my updated level blueprint I have a siren that sounds at specific times). But now I want to display the game time on the HUd and struggling how to do this I found a few Time nodes but not sure how to use them with my timeline.
So I want away to use the output “time” from the timeline and convert that into actual time format to display on my HUD
Do you use time line to anything, or you just use it to get time?
The timeline rotates the “sun” to make night and day. Atm it’s on a 2 minute cycle for testing purposes but will make it a 10-15 minutes for full cycle in the future
make a float track in your timeline that ranges from 0 to 1440 (minuets in a day)for 24h clock or (0 to 720) x2 for 12h clock
Thanks got it working I’ll just make some tweets so when minutes are less than 10 it appends a 0 in front so it’ll be 12:01 for example. Thabks again
I’m now trying to get that time to print onto my HUD widget, but because it’s in my level blueprint it’s hard to get it to communicate with other blueprints on ideas on that?
Nevermore sorted it casted to player character and set variables in there to go to HUD