Setting sub sequence frame ranges using Python using MovieSceneFrameRange

I am trying to modify the frame range that a sub sequence exists in a parent sequence.

It looks like I have to set a property for section_range but I can’t figure out the signature of the value for this. is it a tuple of numbers? list of numbers? apparently it has to be a class of object called MovieSceneFrameRange which is documented sparsely. How do you create an object with a start and end value from an unreal.MovieSceneFrameRange object?

subsequence.set_editor_property("section_range", ?)

What goes where the question mark is?

As it turns out I didn’t need to go this granular and the MovieSceneSubSection class has a method called set_range() that takes to integers.
Here is the function I should have been using:

subsequence.set_range( 1,55)
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