I’m currently trying to do the last step and packaging my content for Windows 64 bit.
The resulting exe file will be hosted on a laptop that in turn will drive a large LCD TV via HDMI.
Everything packages fine. The problem is trying to get a high enough resolution to display well on the large screen. I would like to use 1920x1080.
I have tried creating a file called DefaultGameUserSettings.ini in my \Config folder with the following contents:
Ok did that and all packaged fine….
But same issue.
I think maybe the fact that the host PC driving the HDMI is running at 1366x768 is the issue? The output on the development PC is great running the same exe……
Not sure my best work around?
(I need the host PC to connect a special joystick and other input switching…)
Probably a fairly obvious error by not having a higher spec’d HMDI output on the PC used to drive the HDMI…
update… just tested using a higher end Dell XPS and oddly the same issue? It is running 1920x1080…
So I decided to test the r.setRes command at 800x600 and 1920x1080 resolutions.
I can not tell any difference in running the packaged exe on the main UE4 PC…
Clearly I’m doing something wrong with using/understanding that function? No errors when complied…
I have now gone back to basics and tried a fresh version of my project…
I have test using even a low 640x480 resolution using these two methods:
1 - Adding the DefaultGameUserSettings.ini file to the projects config folder [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] bUseVSync=False ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=640 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=400 WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 bUseDesktopResolutionForFullscreen=False FullscreenMode=2 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=2 Version=5
2 - adding this event…
And I can not see any difference running the Packaged exe file?
Is it possible that something is overriding these commands?? The project uses a couple of blueprints… one being SolarSystem. But I can’t see anything in the blueprints that might be an issue.
I have not tested a new dummy project to see if it is something in my actual project… will test that next.