Setting Relative Position Of Children Causes Root Transform To Glitch Out

ActorBlueprint -
Root (SceneComponent) -
Skeleton (SpriterSkeletonComponent / SceneComponent) -

This is the way I have my Blueprint set up.

Sprite.SpriteComponent = NewObject<UPaperSpriteComponent>( Owner, FName(*Obj.Name));
Sprite.SpriteComponent->bWantsBeginPlay = true;

This is the code the SpriterSkeletonComponent calls to create the Sprites.


This is the code that sets each Sprites Relative Transform to their NewTransform each frame.

To produce the glitch, all i have to do is Play In Editor, Select either the Root or the SpriterSkeletonComponent of the blueprint, and manually edit it’s transform, as soon as i press enter, the Root’s Transform glitches out, setting it to completely random values. Pressing the Set to Default arrow in the Root’s transform causes the glitch aswell.

After doing some testing, if i change the Root’s location in blueprints, or code, then it works just fine, the glitch only occurs when i manually change the transform of the parents(Root/SkeletonComponent) inside the details panel.

There’s only two possible reasons for this happening.

1. I’m somehow not creating the Sprites correctly, or not parenting them correctly.

2. This is a bug, and isn’t directly caused from my code.

Heres a video to showcase the problem :

If anyone else has had this issue or can help, i would appreciate it!


Could you please provide the full code that you are using when you are experiencing this issue? I’d like to ensure we have the same setup.

Also, if needed, are there any additional steps I need to follow to reproduce this in a clean project?

Thank you


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day