Hey, I’ll make it concise. I am using the advanced sessions plugin, which offers a node called set player name and get player name. I need to get the names associated with each player to show them on a replicated widget above their heads. Thing is the default value of get player name is the device name, but changing it is often not replicated. Can someone explain how to do this correctly or show a snippet please?
This is something that can point you in the right direction: [UE4] Above Head Nametag IN MULTIPLAYER - YouTube
There is a bit of code so I suggest you rather watch the video instead of me explaining it on here.
Yes I looked at that, but it does not use the advanced sessions system, and besides another issue is that my project is in VR (not mentioned I know) and I don’t want to implement a VR keyboard. Thanks though, I will dig deeper into it.
Advanced Sessions doesn’t really matters, the principle is the same. Is there a particular node form the Advanced Sessions system that you need to integrate for the name tags?
Yea there are functions for setting name and getting name, defaulting to the device name. The problem is that in a multiplayer scenario in the set name node, the player controller is required but I do not have a player list from which I can get it. My problem is I cannot get the controller of the desired player, so all the system breaks down.
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