Hi everyone. I have a problem about UI. What I want to do in the blueprint below is that when our character collects a certain number of points, he finishes the level and loads the User Interface called “Next Level”, but when I do this with “Event tick”, it shows unlimited “Next Level” on the screen. I tried to solve the problem with “Delay” but it was not very good. Thanks in advance for your help (sorry for my English)
Use “Do Once” after branch.
Also… don’t use Event Tick for checking numbers of points, it’s expensive. Do it every time you add a point.
So is there a more suitable event instead of “event tick”? You said that this method is not good. Is there an alternative way? @offlexpl
Each time add a point to your integer, ex. your BP sets value +1 (advice, use clamp node with min value 0 and max value 6, before setting your integer) - you check if it’s equal 6, etc…
Event Tick happens every frame game is running. 200 FPS means 200 times per second you cast to your integer and check if it’s equal X. Maybe this time you can get away with it, but each Event Tick adds a delay…
i am gonna try it. Thank you so much. @offlexpl
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