Setting focus with ai

I am able to make ai’s that focus on the player and shoot/damage them. What I need to figure out is how to get the ai’s to focus on each other. I use SetFocus with Get Player Character in my task. What could I use instead of Get Player Character that could make a blueprint actor be the target? Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

I want to replace Get Player Character with a new focus such as another blueprint. Hopefully this screen shot helps.

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So I’ve managed with blueprints to get my AI to attack another AI. The projectiles even kill them. Now my issue is that I am detecting multiple enemies at the same time and so this AI is spawning a projectile for every enemy and shooting them all at once. If anyone could help with this last part it would be incredible. Thanks.

I figured this out a different way. I ended up using behavior trees and blackboard values to find an actor with tag and store it in an array. Hope this helps someone else running into this problem.