Setting FBX animation Seq axis to local?

I’m hoping someone can help me with this one.
I’m importing some mocap from Maxamo and would like to blend the different animations seamlessly without going through the BP way. I’m not up to BPs yet.
Because the SM has its pivot at 0,0,0 obviously when we import an animation fbx that pivot stays at origin when there’s
translations on the animation.
And that’s the problem. I want to use the sequencer and the weight attribute to blend as seamlessly as possible from 1 animation cycle to the next.
If the axis was local to the animation sequence then I can easily blend 1 animation sequence to another. With out having to use multiple SM versions for each move.

Does anyone know who to set this up with out going through a BP Blend?
I’m doing more cinematic/feature anim than gaming. I know its possible to set up my SM as a BP with possibly the axis control from world to local, but I really dont know a lot about building the BPs yet.

If this makes sense to anyone, and you can help? please do.