Setting character movement speed limit in blueprint


I am currently making a first person project and I am trying to set the maximum speed the character can go with boosts.
I currently have the character increasing speed by 10 after every jump however I would like to cap how many times the speed will be increased regardless of how many times they jump.
IE- the first 5 times they jump the speed will be increased by 10 and then stay at that speed until they stop jumping.

I am following this image below (sorry for quality) however I can not work out how to add the 2 red/grey nodes at the bottom “SET speedlimit”.
Any help or alternative suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

thank you very much for your help. I should have explained better that I only wanted the character to jump once at a time but if they jumped as soon as they landed they would get the speed boost but if they where too slow to immediately jump again they would be jumping at normal speed.
I have still learnt a lot from your work and will experiment around this.


There is no need for Event Tick.

  1. In your character BP search for “jump max count” set that to how many times the player can jump while in air.


2.Every time the player can and does jump add to its current max walk speed whatever value you want and set it.

3.When the player lands make sure you reset max walk speed to your desired default max walk speed.
