Setting a location of an actor in scene based on my blueprint component

Hi, I want that an actor referenced in my blueprint can have his position at the placement of one of my component. I tried this

and for some reason, the actor place itself at the center of my blueprint but not at the position of my component, any idea why.

Thx you

This looks like the opposite of what you want.

I assume you’re trying to move your camera to the anchor point, but this is moving the anchor point to the camera.

Please clarify if this is not what you meant.

No I’m trying to move the anchor point(which is an actor in the scene) to te position of the cinema clap(which is a component of my blueprint) . And for some reason the ancho location does not follow the component

There are a few things you should verify:

  • Ensure the cinema clap is at the right location. Either print the coords, or draw a debug point.
  • Ensure that the right anchor point is referenced.
  • Ensure that the right cinema clap is referenced.
  • Ensure the node itself worked by printing out the return bool.

I cant print since its in editor
The cinema clap is a component so its always there
the anchor point is rightfully referenced since it move to the position of the blueprint, just not the position of the blueprint component