Setting a custom hardware cursor crashes my project on play

So I’ve made a couple posts in the past with some limited information, so I’m making a new final post attempting to reach out and get some help to solve my issue.

Any time I set a hardware cursor in my project settings, it usually just crashes the engine when I then go to playtest my game. I’ve been getting pretty ticked off, and trying to elimate factors from my project that may be causing this, and I’m still not so sure. I decided to open up Visual Studio and run a debugger version of my project to see exactly where the breakpoints are occuring in the c++ files, and 2 in specific occur after setting a hardware cursor. One in WindowsCursor.cpp, and GameViewportClient.cpp. I recently just migrated my entire project from 5.2 to 5.3, with this issue still even occuring.

It does seem as if some little thing in my project is making this happen, again I’m not too sure. As always, any help is appreciated.

The only way I’ve been able to circumvent this, at least on 5.2, was deleting intermediate everytime I close the engine. In the case of me now being on 5.3, this no longer lets me do anything without crashing.
