I am trying to make an auto fire gun using TimerManager to make the loop, but its not working at all, no errors nothing, just simply doesn’t work, please someone help , i tried 3 different versions of ue4 and tried it on several projects it didn’t work at all, just call the fire method once a click that’s it, i really need help please.
thank you in advance.
What exactly is not working? The loop, the timer, …?
What have you do so far?
Its the loop, not working at all, so as i explained earlier i am trying to make an auto fire weapon with settimer. it still shoots single bullet on click that’s it and doesn’t loop it, i tried searching allover, tried so many tutorials, the code is correct it doesn’t show any errors, i set both pressed and released actions made settimer and cleartimer in different functions, but nothing, i am really in a pickle here.
It would be a lot fast and easier if you show the code.
Have you set InbLoop = true? For example:
GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(MyTimerHandler, this, &ASomeActor::SomeFunc, 2.0f, true);
0.f? How about giving it some time between calls?
ok, yea i tried it , nothing, guess time to change profession for me, thank you anyway for you help, really appreciate it.
Hey, just wanted to update and thank you, it suddenly started working, idk how or what happened, but its working now so thank you once again.