SetTimer() In BlueprintFunctionLibrary doesn't do anything

I am very new to C++, I started programming in C++ a few days ago.
I am trying to convert some complex blueprint systems to just one node and it worked pretty well until now.
I got to the point where I have a delay node in my Blueprint graph and in the C++ I need to use Timers for that but my timer doesn’t do anything so if anyone has any ideas why it doesn’t work I would be very thankful.

Hey, if you are binding a member function in the timer, you don’t need to do all that delegate stuff. Here is a working example from one of my games:

if ( CurrentQuest->IsQuestComplete() )
			FinalThoughts = CurrentQuest->QuestEndDescription;
			UWorld* World = GetWorld();
			if ( World )
				World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer( ThoughtTimerHandle,
					false );
			bShowResponses = false;

I found out that SetTimer() doesn’t work in BlueprintFunctionLibrary so instead of a blueprint node I made a new Actor Component and now everything works perfectly.