Hi, I am following a tutorial on creating an examine inventory item widget where you can view and rotate the item. It was working just fine when I finished but when I continued on the tutorial and returned to test the inventory, I found that not only is the static mesh not updating when I examine an inventory item but I can’t even rotate it anymore. Can someone please help?
W_Examination Widget Event Graph: The static mesh is not being updated despite the SetStaticMesh blueprint node, The ItemName and description are still being updated correctly
BP_Examination blueprint actor: Just a simple blueprint actor with a static mesh named ItemMesh with the default mesh of a battery
In game view: you can see that I am examining a key, the name and description to the side are updated correctly, however the item mesh is still the default battery mesh
I’m just putting this here just in case, It is used to help rotate the item mesh when you drag your mouse around. However, the static mesh isn’t even correct so this is the least of my worries, but it is worth mentioning that I can’t even rotate the default battery mesh anymore for some reason.
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.