Can I just say the sets feature in 2023V2 is tremendously confusing.
I hid what I wanted then created a set
Then I unhid and hid other things to create set 2
OK that works
But in set two I needed to hide something else. No dice, it then just mess up both sets, whats the tick for Vs just selecting the set, hitting refresh messes everything up so that both sets are identical.
For the View sets, the way they work is that any view set with the checkbox ticked off will allow you to make modifications to the selected view sets by making the necessary changes, then selecting Refresh for the view sets you want to update. The reason for the checkbox is to act as a sort of protection against unintended changes, so any unchecked view set cannot be overwritten until the checkbox is selected.
When updating multiple view sets at once, it will apply the Scene Graph's currently' active visibility settings for all items to the updated view set. If you have two different view sets you want to update while maintaining there differences, you should only apply changes to that individual view set, before switching to the other view set and making the necessary changes.
If you have any other feedback on the UI, let me know and I can pass it along to the team so they can further refine the UI and improve usability.
Weather, location, and sun position settings have been moved to the new Ambiance menu, which can be accessed by selecting the Ambiance option at the top of the Scene Graph.