SetRelativeRotation fails on clientSide - BUG?

Ok this issue is becoming super odd, let me explain what I’m doing.

Basically i’m trying to create an AI that could walk backwards, I achieved it by

  1. Set Mesh.RelativeRotation = 90° (so it looks backwards)
  2. Did some changes on my anim BP so it handles the speed *-1
  3. and vualá… it works:

So now, I’m trying to make the same with client/server so the client can see the player moving backwards as well, and here my surprise.

On the server, this works perfect, but on the client, it happens as follows:

1- Start server and client, bot ok. Inside blueprint the local rotation is -90° just because the mesh is like that, no big deal.

2- Apply the SetRelativeRotation to 90 to look opposite direction, bot ok, I can see client and server points to same direction (I’m printing the rotation on each millisecond to confirm, it got rotated properly)

3- and here is the issue, I made them Jump!, and this is the result:

Left(server) is still facing back which is ok, at 90°, but right(client) got reset automatically to the initial value -90°, so now both server and client are out of sync, if they walk, they will keep out of sync as well. Shouldn’t be rotation automatically replicated by the Character component?

Other hints… on what i’m using/configuring.

  1. Controller is actually AIController.

  2. Character has the “REPLICATES” check in TRUE at root level only (not at character movement, not at mesh)

  3. I tried the Mesh.SetRelativeRotation everywere, Local Side, Server Side, MultiCast, Owning, I see the mesh rotating properly, that’s not the issue, the issue is that it gets reseted when it starts moving :frowning:

Any clue? is this a known issue? Or a better way to achieve the same?

oh btw, I tried something crazy like to put the mesh in odd rotations inside blueprint, like 45 / 90 / -90, and after jumping, it got reseted to this blueprint initial configuration (45,90,-90)… so looks like it will always reset to what you specify on the bp if you run in client side.