So I am basically trying to change the transform and the velocity of a rolling ball. The ball is supposed to teleport away as soon as it touches a specific overlap/trigger box but it doesn’t work as expected. The velocity of the ball changes but the transform of the ball stays the same. Since it’s a rolling ball, it is of course simulating physics (important to note; the velocity change is executed AFTER the “SetActorTransform” node, so I know for a fact that the blueprint graph actually fully executes). Could the fact that it’s simulating physics have anything to do with this? I read in some old forum posts, where people used older versions of UE4, that the “SetActorTransform/Location/Rotation” nodes had no effect on actors that simulated physics. Is that still the case?
I recorded a video showcasing the issue: - YouTube (the white wall has NO COLLISION, so the ball isn’t bouncing back due to collision. I checked. It’s just not shown in the video)
What is going on and how do I solve this? Any ideas?