I am using the Rolling Template pawn and getting a Bug that breaks a teleport Blueprint that I have used in previous versions. The blueprint “teleports” the pawn to the new location using the SetActorLocation Node. However, the blueprint will not work correctly in 4.15 preview 2. The pawn teleports for about a second but loses the ability to move, then it teleports back and I get this console error:
LogPhysics:Warning: SetTransformWhileSimulating: Setting body transform on a simulated body of component (/Game/RollingBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_level.level:PersistentLevel.TemplateBallBP_2642.Ball) while the physics simulation is running. This will be ignored. You may want to change the component’s TickGroup or consider moving the simulated body using a physical constraint
I have also changed the tick group as stated in the warning but it has not fixed the issue.
Thanks for the reply. I just created the same error with a clean rolling template project. I simply created
a rolling template blueprint project, (options - mobile target hardware, scalable). Then I created this Blueprint, put it into the level, rolled into it, and got the same error. Thanks for the help!
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here
You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.