SetActorLocation FHitResult always indicate no hit


I have a missile Actor that consists of a USphereComponent as root, and a static mesh as child of root.
the sphereComponent is set to overlap all objects.

So each frame I move the actor using SetActorLocation(newPos,true, &hitResult);

hitResult keeps returning NULL actor as if there is no hit, though Im pretty sure there is (since overlap events get triggered on both ends, the missile and the other actor).

Is there something wrong with sweeping? am I using it right?

-Im using Unreal Engine 4.6.1
-Tried to use AddActorWorldOffset(), didnt work as well.
-Also tried to move the root component instead using SetWorldLocation - AddWorldOffset, the same.

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Try use SphereCollision Component as root component, and use SetActorLocation(newPos,true, &hitResult);