Set World Location And Rotation Returns Inconsistent Results

I’m making a 3D two-player fighting game where the characters can move in 8 directions in a 3D environment and are always facing their opponent.
I ran into an issue where the “Set World Location And Rotation” node returns the correct result 90% of the times, but it becomes slightly off in the remaining 10%. The way to trigger the incorrect result is very unclear, so it would be hard for me to explain exactly how to reproduce this bug. Basically, when one player presses the right mouse button, this player would play a montage and teleport the opponent to the referenced component position. Then it’s supposed to force the opponent to play another montage at the correct location and rotation. Here is a screenshot of my input logic:


I do have the character facing logic inside the level blueprint. I am not sure if that is affecting the rotation and location because this rotation logic is disabled while the montages are playing and re-enabled afterwards.