Set windowed mode at screen position with blueprints

I want to set my gamewindow to windowed mode at a certain resolution and screen position with blueprints.
The Fullscreen mode and Screen Resolution are working as expected. See Blueprint below.

At the moment it is centering the window.
How to specify the location of the window? How to set it for example at the top left corner? (winx=0, winy=0)

Tried this without success:

This plugin has a node “Set Window Position”:…andard-library

it accomplishes this with the following code (LEESL is open-source):

void ULowEntryExtendedStandardLibrary::SetWindowPosition(const int32 X, const int32 Y)
if(GEngine != nullptr)
UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = GEngine->GameViewport;
if(ViewportClient == nullptr)

TSharedPtr<SWindow> Window = ViewportClient->GetWindow();

Window->MoveWindowTo(FVector2D((float) X, (float) Y));