I am trying to toggle the visibility of a 3d widget interaction component from an actor blueprint.
At the moment, when you enter the edit mode in the game (which just outlines the object you are looking at to change furniture materials) you click on the cupboard to bring up the material swatches widget.
So far I have the widget working in 3d properly, but I can’t seem to find a way to toggle the visibility of the actual widget in the scene.
The closest I have come to getting it to work is when I add the widget to the actual cupboard blueprint, but this only toggles it on/off in a really hacky way and leaves the widget visible when out of the edit mode.
Attached a screenie to show how it should work. This is being retrofitted from a previous project that just used the umg for the material swatches, but that doesn’t work in VR.
I thought I would just be able to set the visibility of the widget from the event on interact, but it doesn’t give me an option to choose it.
Any pointers appreciated, i’ve been trying to figure this out all weekend!