Set View Target with Blend Function Issue After Player Respawn

I’m currently facing a problem with the “Set View Target with Blend” function in my project, specifically after a player respawns. I’ve been working with a separate blueprint for my camera, and the function works perfectly the first time the player is set as the new view target. However, after a player respawns, it doesn’t seem to work as expected, and the new player character ends up possessing the default first-person camera.

I noticed that there is a similar question on the forum (Set View Target with Blend not working after player respawn), but the original poster didn’t provide detailed information on how they resolved the issue.

I’ve attached an image of the blueprint showing how I’m handling character death and respawn. Could someone please offer guidance on how to ensure that the “Set View Target with Blend” function continues to work correctly after a player respawns?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Don’t spawn a new character. Just re-use the current.

In game mode teleport the character to the spawn location, reset your health variables etc, then possess.

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