Set view target with blen in 4.26.2

I am trying to follow this old_ish tutorial regarding set view target with blend (HTF do I? Change Cameras in Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints - YouTube). But when the camera moves to the new target it loses the controls to move and look around.
I am using player start as reference points.
any help is appreciated.

Cameras have no control themselves. They only seem to as part of a pawn or character.

So it you’re blending from a pawn to a bare camera, it will have no control.

Actually the same thing happened if I try to blend between two player start pawn.
All what I am trying to do is create an UI than when you click the button it takes you to a different location. I’ve seen this done many times but I don’t know how it is done. Any ideas?
Thanks for the answer

After the camera blend, you need to possess the pawn…

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Thanks man for the input, but I can’t make it work, I am not good at blueprint stuff.

I have this setup but still just change the view and losses the controller.

Close :slight_smile:

The view target takes 2 seconds, but the possess is immediate. Try putting a delay of 2 secs between the two.

I’m assuming this is a pawn you can control if you just drop it in the level?

First, thank you very much for answering. I haven’t had much luck asking stuff in this forum, thanks.

Sadly still doesn’t work. I placed the delay and it didn’t make difference, now I believe that the problem is when it does the new target view, it take the location of my Player start2, but only that, I can see the gizmo of the player controller in the screen staying in place. When I place the posses with the delay, the view moves to the new location and after the delay it send me back to the original start place LOL
I am attaching other screen shot, I have created a simple set actor location with a keyboard key. That one works fine, but it doesn’t do the fancy traveling.

I wonder on the posses node, the ‘in Pawn’ input why I can’t use the PlayerStart2 node? if I use Get Player Pawn it think is the original starting Pawn( PlayerStart1), not the new Starting pawn (PlayerStart2)

I see it now, sorry should have noticed. When you use view targets, the new target has to be an actor with a camera. So a pawn is good ( as long as it has a camera ), but a player start is no good because it has no camera.

So, the view target node, moves between two actors, both of which are supposed to have cameras.

I see, OK I’ll try that and hopefully ti works.
Thank you very much.

I think the OP wants control once the blend has taken place…