Hi, I need some help to sort out a problem I’m having related to setting a vector value on a Material Istamce Dynamic.
I’m creating a game where you can paint furniture, sand them and paint them again.
I created for every mesh I want to be paintable a Material Instance Dynamic in order to control the paint color and the mask to show it.
Now the event to Paint an object that is already in the level is working: I take the details of the paint color from the inventory and apply it to the dynamic material.
The player can as weel pick up furniture in his inventory and spawn them into the level again. Obviusly I want the furniture to be in the same state as it was picked up.I store every variable I need in the inventory and them when I spawn the object I set to it all this variables and use them to manipulate its dynamic material. But in this case, when the object is spawned, the Set Vector Parameter doesn’t work. It’s so strange because I know for sure that all the variables are right, and float variables works as a charm.
I know it’s a little bit complicated, I don’t know if I explained myself.
I’ll be happy if someone could help me!