Set translucency to front side only, rest invisible

Is there any way how to set front material visible and rest set to invisible?

I would like to remove black areas on my character, but I did’t find any option for it.
Example of what I want to achieve is here:

Or is there any other way how to make a ghost in 3D ?


Hi hubacek.jakub -

Take a look at Tom Looman’s Sorting with Custom Depth information, here:

Custom Depth in Unreal Engine - Tom Looman

The setup he uses would be the only way currently to do front transparency on skeletal meshes like you question is requesting.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Thank you for your response.
I did’t want post-process so I use this:
First is outline of object

And next is fading the edge

Still, this isn’t what I would exaclty want but hope that combination will looks great.

Hi -

You will not need to use post process for the inner triangle culling that Tom mentions. I have setup an example project using the Inner Culling Setup and your shaders.

[Sample Project 4.7.6][2]

Eric Ketchum

Thank you, this is very helpfull.