Set Timer by Function Name and RestartGame


Admittedly, this is an old book I’m following, which I’ve nearly finished now, and it uses an old version of Unreal. 4.19, I believe. Does the Set Timer by Function Name node work? Can a level/game be restarted via this? The book suggests to type in RestartGame in the box, but once the player dies, nothing happens. It’s supposed to restart after 3 seconds.


You should add a function in gamemode called as you want (example: whatever) and then call that function in the timer (yes TimerByFunction works)




what’s inside the “RestartGame”function?
have you created that function?
make sure you have typed in the correct function name.

To be honest, this book has been a bit hit and miss at times. It hasn’t even gone over, or suggested anywhere, about creating a RestartGame function. :sweat_smile:

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Brilliant! This works perfectly. Thank you! I’ll make a note of it in the book for future reference. :smiley:

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