Hey! So i was trying to set a timer by event in order for a text to get down along a cooldown.
Weirdly, the timer by event that’s set doesn’t work at all, the custom event “update cooldown” is not called. What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for any help
It’s funny that you answer right now, as i’ve just resolved my issue at the exact same moment! What actually happened is that the custom event was fired from a place linked to event tick, which means that the custom event was fired each tick, therefore the timer couldn’t go down. I’ve changed that by firing it from another custom event and now everything works great!
I don’t understand how does the node you’ve shown works and how i could set it up, but i’ll try to find some documentation. Till then, my Timer by event will do its job.
Thanks a lot for the help.
For me it looks fine, but your setup is very wierd. Insted of using Timers and Delays, you can just use timer alone, you can read state of timer with this node:
And you cna update widget in tick event