This is my blueprint for changing an automatic transmission to and from reverse:
If Immediate is unchecked (Set Target Gear), the car sways in the direction of the previous gear after changing to or from reverse, (switch from 1 to R, accelerate, and the car initially moves forward a bit before reversing).
If Immediate is checked, the car moves in the correct direction. No sway occurs.
If I set [Transmission Setup > Gear Switch Time] to 0.0 (Immediate unchecked), the sway does not occur, but I hit max RPM in each forward gear before auto-shifting. This delay in changing gears doesn’t make sense – the Gear Ratios are unchanged, and it doesn’t seem to be the purpose of Switch Time.
If I set [Transmission Setup > Gear Auto Box Latency] to 0.0 (Immediate unchecked) the sway still occurs.
It seems Set Target Gear is designed more for manual shifting?