Set Skeletal Mesh' Bone Transforms In Blueprint

Hello everyone,

I’ve been trying all day to figure out a way to set the bones of a skeletal mesh from my actor blueprint (Trying to avoid using animation blueprints/the animation system since this is for a simple ragdoll and the overhead, both performance and complexity-wise would be… unwise).

I have, however, come to the conclusion that this must be impossible. I am writing this post in hopes that anyone prove me wrong.

The goal is simple: Get Skeletal Mesh A, copy its bones to Skeletal Mesh B.
In Unity or Godot this would be a trivial task, but I fear that for one reason or another, it’s not just difficult in this engine, but downright impossible to do (at least with blueprints, I tried doing it with C++ but I could not get it to work there either, though to be fair that’s probably mostly because I can’t read or write C++).

While it is doable to get a list of all bones and their transforms. My luck ends there.

Actually setting the bones is a whole other story.
The closest thing I could find is setting bones for a “poseable mesh”, but a poseable mesh component can’t act as a leader pose for skeletal meshes, which I need for my clothing system.