Set Relative Location takes actor to 0,0,0 before offset

I have been trying to apply a relative offset on my actor.
I have moved it into position, the actor calls its location (which is correct), and I apply an offset to the ‘add relative position and rotation’ node.

But it moves my actor to 0,0,0 before applying an offset. Am i missing something?

Are you applying this to a component in a blueprint?

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Relative means “in relation to its immediate parent in the hierarchy”. If you’re applying it to the root component of an actor, its immediate parent is the world, and the world origin is in [0,0,0].

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Also ‘Set’ and ‘Add’ relative offset is not the same. You mention Add in the description, but on the screenshot there is a Set node.

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This must be it, I have to figure this out

It must be the parent being the world thing… I understand my problem, I have to figure it out now

You can try saving the cube’s location to a variable first, and when setting relative location, use (OceanOffset + SavedLocation).

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I simply added a scene component as the root. and that solved it.

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