Set Post Process Effect on Camera in C++

I am trying to adjust the vignette intensity on a button press in c++. I’m using my camera component that is setup within my pawn and when I set the amount…nothing happens. Can you even do this in realtime?

MyPawn->CameraComponent->PostProcessSettings.VignetteIntensity = 2.0;

Is there something I should be doing after this line? Refreshing the shader or something? I want to do this on the player camera rather than a volume because I have easy access to the pawn. Not that I know how to do it on a volume either.

Have you set the post process blend weight ?

All the properties in the PostProcessSetting have an override (which is the tick box to the left in the editor), so in code you have to set this to true if you want to override the value
MyPawn->CameraComponent->PostProcessSettings.bOverride_VignetteIntensity = true;