Having issues with setting plane constraints and moving diagonally along said planes.
I want to replicate Super Mario Sunshine’s tightrope walking mechanics. I have most of the code working well but the problem arises when I want to have the player move diagonally along the tightrope.
The way things currently work is: if the player interacts with the tightrope I set the plane constraint in the character movement component to the normal of a variable I have stored in the tightrope. This variable dictates the directions that are locked for the player. This works fine if you’re moving along one defined plane, but doesn’t work as expected if I rotate the tightrope’s Z ROT beyond 90 degrees in any other direction. Is there a way to set the plane constraint to allow for diagonal movement along the XY axis? Or is there a better way I could be setting this up to achieve the desired effect?