Set one Trigger after completion multiple tasks

Hi to all
I want to set up a trigger so that when all 3 creatures spawner gets destroyed, it set one trigger, is it possible ?

Hey Kaydo007,

You can use a tracker to track the destruction events and trigger the trigger from its completion,

but yeah, the main problem is getting the destroyed event from the spawner.

Maybe a possibility to add a prop like a floor piece below the map, set it to be always loaded and put a prop manipulator on it.
Then make that a child of the creature spawner, hopefully it lets you and when the creature spawner is destroyed so is the prop, letting the prop manipulator give a prop destroyed event for the tracker

Another option is to use a dummy prop, set the creature spawner as invulnerable and use a prop, maybe with no material or something, to take the damage instead, with a prop manipulator to detect the destruction, its event destroys the creature spawner and increments the tracker.

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Hi thank you very much it worked with the TRACKER device, i can select it to track (PROP DESTROYED), i set the number of props target value (CREATURE SPAWNERS) and link it to them so that when destroyed it (INCREMENT PROGRESS), finally i linked the TRACKER to the TRIGGER and set it to trigger (WHEN COMPLETE)

Again thank you very much

Take care with that method, that will track any prop destroyed, which is OK if your world is indestructable.

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