Hello guys I have a problem setting my mesh when it is analyzed, when I put set mesh in my OBJ it does not work in my analysis but when I leave a standard mesh it works, I believe it is because it is not being captured, just when it is not set it captures, I made a video for better views ( BP on Vimeo ). I just have this doubt to be able to build my BP !!
NOTE: I created a BP Analyze a BP Item and a Widget
Looks like your scale is wrong and your camera is inside of your mesh. Check by ejecting with F8 while in Play and/or set the mesh in the BP for testing in the Viewport how big it is
I modified a little and got … more or less lol, I’m having trouble replacing the analysis mesh. Here is a video. Error Remove Mesh on Vimeo
And thanks for answering friend
you’re spawning every time a new actor? i guess should should ether destroy it, or save the output of spawnActor(A_Item) to a variable and from there you can set your mesh over and over again without spawning a new actor (just hide them)
This is what I am trying to do. I can not delete my mesh, always the error, and take the visibility of it too