Agreed, this is a major bug that has persisted for over 3 years!!! It should not take multiple workarounds to create a simple two dimensional array and make changes to values within it. Why need for a struct at all, why need to agonizingly create a temp array and than copy all old values over from original to create your new array in which you just want to change a single value. Bad show Epic, please help us with this asap.
Still have issue it seems.
I have my struct {
i have an array of this struct filled with incrementing x and y: storing a grid in a 1 dim array.
Form start, i get@0 and store it in a local variable called currentCell, then i change its visited value to true using “Set Members in …”.
In debugger it seems to be ok but then, i pass it (by reference) to a function and on first step of funciton i see visited value back to false. from then even if i try to force visited to true by using “Set Members in …” value stays to false as if it’s read only.
Very frustrating.