Hi, I haven’t found any info on this on the internet so I thought I would ask here. Keep in mind I’m very new to material scripting so sorry if it’s something basic.
Anyways, I have a texture, and I’d like to apply a linear gradient to it. Hovewer, I want the gradient to apply to just the left part of the material, not the whole material. If I understand correctly I would somehow need to move the gradient’s starting point, but I’ve no idea how. I’d also like to be able to move the start of the gradient, but that should be achievable through a parameter (right?).
I don’t know if this is important, but the gradient is supposed to go into the opacity output to control a kind of smooth transition between where the material starts and ends.
All I’ve been able to come up with is a texture coordinate node multiplied by a scalar parameter which is fed into the linear gradient node, and it’s UGradient goes into the opacity output.