Set Leader Pose component distorting metahuman head mesh

Good day.

I’m working on a project where I using metahuman head with my custom body and I have a problem trying to make it work together currectly.

Proportion of my character is very different from default metahuman. It have stylized proportions. It’s much taller, have longer legs. But character have a skeleton that have default UE5 manny hierarchy. Although metahuman skeleton have some additional bones. Like “clavical_out_” for example. Not sure if that can be the source of the problem.

I have tried two approaches in construction script. Using “Enable Master Pose”, how it was done in original metahuman BP, and “Set Leader Pose”. Both of them doesn’t give me currect results. “Enable Master Pose” distorting the legs while keeping neck good (and also body animation doesn’t seems to work in this case then I tring to use it in level sequencer). And “Enable Master Pose” distorting the neck while keeping legs straight and animation works just as it should.


I also have these neck muscles on separate metahuman head skeleton, but it’s not the problem for sure, because metahuman head neck also defformed.

I assume that problem is in body skeleton, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong here exactly. Really hope for some help, guys. Thank.

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I have related problem as well. In my current setup, I have assigned all body meshes of the Metahuman character the original skeleton (that is utilized by Mannequins). Seeing that ARKit does not work when doint that, I have decided to use the original skeleton of the face mesh (Face_Archetype_Skeleton). But if I set the leader pose of the face the root mesh, the Face_AnimBP refuses to work (this handles ARKit or any animations that are created using ARKit). If a remove the face mesh from leader pose component targets, it starts working but this time, the face slightly lags behind the body meaning that if the character is moving up and down, there is a visible empty space between the body mesh and face mesh. I, too, need to figure out how to use the face mesh with leader pose component enabled.

Update: I was able to fix all the problems with the help of this page: Working with Modular Characters in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation


You couldn’t just tell us what the solution was? I’m guessing you used the copy character pose in the Anim BP?