Set language and local not changing widget texts


I have unfortunately faced an issue with changing the translations. I have performed the localization process and I can see different translations using the localization preview language of each widget. However, I cannot change to the translations during game play by using the Set Language and Local, which does change the engine language but not in game widget texts.

With best wishes,

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Were you able to fix this ? I’m facing this issue even in 4.22.

This is something you need to fix it, once you chance language you need to re initiate all localized content, how you gonna do it… engine exactly gives you choose how, as engine does not know what is your widget and code (widget references and such) setup and it may mess it up for you, so you the one who need to do it. Also note that everything can be localized, all text time variables and stuff relay on it, not just widgets and those need to be re initiated too, so this is other reason why engine don’t do this for you

UE4 is not only once struggling with it, if you look on other software most of them force you restart or reloads entire application to change language because exact same reason, or only let you do it in main menu.

Does this help?